The physical body is all there is. Our mistake is in thinking that it ends with our skin.
And maybe that is the biggest mistake of all, that we see our skin as a boundary, as the limiting surface of a container rather than as a porous membrane of connectivity.
In the end, this is technology’s doing.
Human thought borrows heavily from technology. This makes sense, given that humans have always been tool-dependent creatures. Since technology elicits very specific forms of action, it only stands to reason that the technological forms that shape our overt behavior also condition the behavior of thought.
Consider the simple container, an ancient but groundbreaking technology. Containment has become such a ubiquitous feature of human life that it is difficult to name any activity that does not make use of it in some form or another.
So we mistakenly see our body as a container, a vessel of isolation, rather than as an open conduit to the entire universe.