During the dream time, the Wandjina, the spirit-beings who created the world and all of its creatures, left their images behind on rock surfaces in what is now Kimberly Australia prior to returning to the spirit world. The Wandjina images have been painted over and repainted numerous times over the course of the millennia since the Wandjina left, and the repainting of these sacred images has long been an Aboriginal cultural tradition. The paintings are of profound symbolic significance to the present day aborigines, and “touching up” the paintings has been something that has been done on a regular basis throughout the paintings’ history. Repainting the pictographs has always been a way for the artists to make contact with their ancestors—a way to establish a cultural connection with their own past as a people.
In the late 1980s, there was a concerted effort to prevent repainting and preserve the rock paintings in their present form. Continue reading “Repainting the Wandjina”